Announcement time

If you’ve ever clicked on over onto my About section and read as far down as

I like to take pictures.  Though due to my dumping hubby’s camera on the ground (by accident) I’m unable to do that.

In the meantime I’ll be begging friends for point and shoots and on occasion post a pic taken by my camera phone.

you’ll know that I don’t very often have quality pics to show.

Well… friends, things have changed.  And I couldn’t be more excited.

I’ve learned so much over these last few days and can hardly wait to wake up Saturday morning to go play around.

The hubs and I laughed hard.

We’re two pretty crazy kids.

We make a good team.

And in the event you’re thinking this is starting to sound like a lyric,

we should get jerseys.

In more life altering news, have you noticed a different tag at the top of my posts?  If not, I’m sure you saw the Post A Week 2011 badge over there on the right hand side when you clicked on over today.


I’ve wanted to blog more consistently, and with the daily inspirational posts, it could probably not be easier.  I’m looking forward to these new chapters . . .  New friends.  New opportunities.

Which new ventures are you embarking on?

Penny for your thoughts...